Round 20 AFL Preview
Last Week 7/9 Season Total 104/162 What a week it was. I’m not just talking about the tipping. 7 from 9 was not a bad return, but so much was happening, it just wasn’t funny. Of course, the biggest of news was that Joe Biden finally pulled out of the race for president. This of course is a problem for Donald Trump because a campaign that relies on waiting for Joe to have a Senior moment now requires quite a bit of writing and thought…not Trumps strong points. And he will have some serious social issues not being able to make any comments on race, religion or gender. Given his penchant for, shall we say, stretching the truth a little, I’m not sure he even has Kamala covered off the tee. I also have a lot of lines about him giving her an ear full or an ear bashing, but I’ll stop short of waxing lyrical with that. Speaking of golf, The Open was great viewing, not only because it was on at a reasonable time, but I found it refreshing to see pro golfers