And the Previews are back for season 2023!
Great news. We have a new Previewer 😀 'Azza' has been brave enough to provide the Previews each week! Below is a bit of an intro from him....
Welcome to the 2023 AFL Season. It’s my pleasure to bring you a preview of each game every week this year on behalf of the team at I’m hoping that I can bring a bit of entertainment to the forward looking week of footy matches and who knows, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two…but it certainly wont be about tipping as I’m pretty rubbish at picking a winner. Even though I back it up with well thought out drivel and a data bank of every statistic ever gathered since biopoiesis occurred ( we’re learning – I look forward to that making it to the top of Googles ‘most googled’ words of the week).
nothing more that I love than a good yarn over some statistics, data analytics
and stochastic models…except golf…I love golf more. I’m sure I’ll bore you with tales this year
about my gigantic stochastic model for AFL which, if one day I get right, will
not only cause the shut down of AFL betting apps, but will likely end all wars
and famine, guide the human race into a new era of enlightenment and find all
that Dark Energy we lost (I reckon my Mum put it away somewhere…when she puts
something away, no one can find it).
digress. I hope you all enjoy the
Previews this year and may all your tips be true and correct and I hope your
team have just the right number of losses to make the wins really special.
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